Despite the array of cutting edge technology in development, because we have managed to recover one of the Underwoods from the Chimpanzees, we will have a permanent records of our efforts, the chimp's Fusion power project will have to wait, new papers will be listed here on arrival.  


Telemetry development

Author: Tech Posted at 21/07/12 - 09:00 AM

Work on the telemetry development board is continuing. This first cycle is using an Arduino Uno, RF22B shield and Venus GPS, together with several feet of hook up wire and a small plastic box which contained the parts for delivery from proto-pic.

Quisk, FL-Digi and an SDR dongle called Funcube make up the receiving side. All working well over a transmission distance of 30 KM, give or take 29,999.7m.

Previous Posts
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The boards are back in town03/09/12 - 11:08 PM7423
Why's there so many wires?27/07/12 - 10:04 AM7160
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